The Fifth Grade classroom is learner centered and focuses on active engagement. Students become responsible, organized, and independent as they engage in “minds on” activities that enhance their studies. Students are given the opportunity to set some of the goals that will guide their last year at Good Shepherd, resulting in an intrinsically motivating environment.
Using Project-based Learning, the Core Subjects of Language Arts, Mathematics, Science and Social Studies are integrated using learning activities and projects of student interest. These well designed lessons provoke students to encounter the central concepts and principles of the discipline, as well as 21st century skills of management, inquiry, self-assessment, reflection skills and leadership. Using this approach the students are motivated and we can refine life needed skills using the curriculum.
The Resource Classes of Physical Education, Spanish, Technology, Research, Art , Music and Media use this final year of elementary school to help prepare the students for Middle School. In these classes the Fifth Grade students learn to collaborate, cooperate and communicate. They also begin to formulate interests for Middle School elective choices. These classes help the students to be worldly and knowledgeable in a variety of areas, creating a more global view of the world.
Fifth Grade students are given opportunities of responsibility by being part of the Safety Patrol, serving as an acolyte in Chapel, interacting with Reading Buddies, presenting the monthly school assemblies, taping the morning announcements and raising funds for their class trip. These activities promote leadership skills which become an essential trait in Good Shepherd fifth grade students.
Preparing our graduates for the world outside of Good Shepherd is a desire of the entire Good Shepherd School Community. The combination of curriculum, methodology, leadership experiences, character development, and a caring and loving staff makes the desire a reality. Our graduates are emotionally, socially and academically ready for the challenges that lay ahead!